새삼스러울 내용은 아니지만...
1. Don't be intimidated by the audience.
2. Don't try to impress the audience with your brilliance.
3. The first 20 minutes should be completely understandable to graduate students.
4. Carry everyone along.
5. Talk about examples.
8. Pay attention to the audience.
9. Don’t introduce too many ideas.
11. Find out in advance how long the colloquium is, and prepare accordingly.
13. You do not have to talk about your own work.
2. Don't try to impress the audience with your brilliance.
3. The first 20 minutes should be completely understandable to graduate students.
4. Carry everyone along.
5. Talk about examples.
8. Pay attention to the audience.
9. Don’t introduce too many ideas.
11. Find out in advance how long the colloquium is, and prepare accordingly.
13. You do not have to talk about your own work.
1. Take a strong position in your title.
2. Think carefully about your specific audience.
3. Make your specific points as concise as possible.
4. Know the likely counter arguments from an intelligent, expert audience.
5. You are the entertainment. Do your job.
6. A good talk builds up to a few simple take-home messages.
7. Know what happens next (in your talk).
8. The easiest way to be interesting is to be honest.
9. Do not start with your slides. Start by thinking about and understanding your audience.
10. Practicing your talk will make it much much better.
2. Think carefully about your specific audience.
3. Make your specific points as concise as possible.
4. Know the likely counter arguments from an intelligent, expert audience.
5. You are the entertainment. Do your job.
6. A good talk builds up to a few simple take-home messages.
7. Know what happens next (in your talk).
8. The easiest way to be interesting is to be honest.
9. Do not start with your slides. Start by thinking about and understanding your audience.
10. Practicing your talk will make it much much better.
잘 준비된 Presentation은, 잘 만들어진 영화 한편만큼이나 깊은 감동을 주는 것 같다.
나도 새로운 정보와, 재미, 깊은 감동을 줄 수 있는 구두발표를 해보고 싶다.
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